Command line options

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See also: How to open mudlet in windows cmd

Available command line options as at 4.18.5

  > mudlet --help
       -h, --help                   displays this message.
       -v, --version                displays version information.
       -s, --splashscreen           show splashscreen on startup.
       -p, --profile=<profile>      additional profile to open, may be
       -o, --only=<predefined>      make Mudlet only show the specific
                                    predefined game, may be repeated.
       --steammode                  adjusts Mudlet settings to match
                                    Steam's requirements.
There are other inherited options that arise from the Qt Libraries which are
less likely to be useful for normal use of this application:
       --dograb                     ignore any implicit or explicit -nograb.
                                    --dograb wins over --nograb even when --nograb is last on
                                    the command line.
       --nograb                     the application should never grab the mouse or the
                                    keyboard. This option is set by default when Mudlet is
                                    running in the gdb debugger under Linux.
       --reverse                    sets the application's layout direction to right to left.
       --style=style                sets the application GUI style. Possible values depend on
                                    your system configuration. If Qt was compiled with
                                    additional styles or has additional styles as plugins
                                    these will be available to the -style command line
                                    option. You can also set the style for all Qt
                                    applications by setting the QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE environment
       --style style                is the same as listed above.
       --stylesheet=stylesheet      sets the application styleSheet.
                                    The value must be a path to a file that contains the
                                    Style Sheet. Note: Relative URLs in the Style Sheet file
                                    are relative to the Style Sheet file's path.
       --stylesheet stylesheet      is the same as listed above.
       --sync                       forces the X server to perform each X client request
                                    immediately and not use buffer optimization. It makes the
                                    program easier to debug and often much slower. The --sync
                                    option is only valid for the X11 version of Qt.
       --widgetcount                prints debug message at the end about number of widgets
                                    left undestroyed and maximum number of widgets existing
                                    at the same time.
       --qmljsdebugger=1234[,block] activates the QML/JS debugger with a
                                    specified port. The number is the port value and block is
                                    optional and will make the application wait until a
                                    debugger connects to it.

        [FILE]                       File to install as a package
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